Parent-Student College Contracts

Parent-Student College Contract Templates:

Parent-Student College Contract Template:

This contract template is between a parent and a college student who is leaving home to live and attend college in a different city. This contract can be modified to fit the intent of the situation in any way. Contracts can be annulled by either party, but must be renegotiated by both parties.

This contract is between ______________, and ____________________,
                                             (Student)                            (Parent)

  • Work hard and accept responsibility for your own learning. 
  • Maintain at least a 3.0 grade point average. 
  • Do all of your work to the best of your ability. 
  • Make good use of private study time. 
  • Ask for help when you need it. 
  • Attend all classes. 
  • Keep me informed about important college matters. 
  • Abide by the college rules. 
  • Employment; you will need to get a part time job with the requirement of __ hours a week not to exceed 20 hours a week during the semester. 
  • Graduate from _________ University in four years 
  • Manage your money wisely and do not assume credit without consulting me. 
  • Should you drop a class you will be responsible to pay for any replacement class. 
  • If living at home the following chores will be completed: (List chores) 
  • To be helpful and supportive. 
  • Respect for you as an adult. 
  • Pay for ______% of tuition, room, board, books and fees. 
  • Pay for _______% of transportation to and from _________ University. 
  • Room & board during summers and holidays. 
  • Health insurance on my policy. Valued at $________________ a year. 
  • To provide emergency financial support as needed within my abilities. 
  • We have read the above stated responsibilities and agree to jointly work toward the successful goals of completing your college experience at _________ University. 
The following is an excerpt from the SADD Contract for Life:
I recognize that I will be faced with many difficult decisions. Throughout my college experience I may encounter issues such as alcohol and other drug use, HIV/AIDS, risky sexual behaviors, date rape, impaired driving, abusive relationships, and many more challenges. By signing below, I have entered into a contract in which I agree that we will always attempt to choose the best option that considers my own well-being, health, and safety. In addition, I will help friends whom I see making destructive decisions find any assistance they need. When I find myself in a situation that makes me uncomfortable or that I feel unequipped to handle, I will discuss it with someone I trust.

________________________ ___________
Parent Signature                        Date

________________________ ____________
Student Signature                       Date

Parent-Student Community College Contract Template:
This contract template is between a parent and a college student who is attending a local community college and will be living at home. This contract can be modified to fit the intent of the situation in any way. Contracts can be annulled by either party, but must be renegotiated by both parties.

This contract is between ______________, and ____________________,
                                            (student)                           (parent)

  • Work hard and accept responsibility for your own learning. 
  • Maintain at least a 3.0 grade point average. 
  • Do all of your work to the best of your ability. 
  • Make good use of private study time. 
  • Ask for help when you need it. 
  • Attend all classes. 
  • Keep me informed about important college matters. 
  • Abide by normal house rules. 
  • Transfer to _________ University in 2 years 
  • Should you drop a class you will be responsible to pay for any replacement class. 
  • Manage your money wisely and do not assume credit without consulting me. 
  • Standard chores as completed in the past. 
  • Employment; you will need to get a part time job with the requirement of ______ hours a week not to exceed 20 hours a week during the academic semester. 
  • Monetary options (to be negotiated) Note: As financial situations change, this contract will need to be updated. 
  • Rent payment of: ___________ monthly.   Additional chores in lieu of rent due to unemployment. (List chores and frequency) 
  • Pay for ______% of tuition, books and fees. 
  • Pay for _______% of transportation to and from _________ University. 
  • Savings of _______% from work for the purpose of future schooling or preparation to move out. 
  • To be helpful and supportive. 
  • Respect for you as an adult and increased freedom in the following ways (list freedoms) 
  • Provide for you as we have in the past. Valued at $________________ a year. 
  • Health insurance on my policy. Valued at $________________ a year. 
  • Allowance in the amount of $ ______________ in lieu of employment to be paid weekly. 

________________________ ___________
Parent Signature                           Date

________________________ ____________
Student Signature                       Date

Parent-Service Member Contract Template:
The following is a contract for a high school graduate who will be living with parents until basic training and visiting periodically when on leave. This contract can be modified to fit the intent of the situation in any way. Contracts can be annulled by either party, but must be renegotiated by both parties.

This contract is between ____________________, and ____________________,
                                          (Service Member)                         (Parent)

Pre-Basic Training
  • Abide by normal house rules while living at home. 
  • Standard chores as completed in the past while living at home 
  • Employment; you will need to get a part time job with the requirement of ______ hours a week. 
  • Manage your money wisely and do not assume credit without consulting me. 
  • Monetary options (to be negotiated) Note: As financial situations change, this contract will need to be updated. 
  • Rent payment of: ___________ monthly. 
  • Additional chores in lieu of rent due to unemployment. (List chores and frequency)
Post Basic Training
  • Abide by normal house rules while on leave. 
  • Work hard and take responsibility for your conduct as a service member of the US Military. 
  • Payment for your own transportation home when on leave. 
  • Manage your money wisely and do not assume credit without consulting me. 
  • If the ultimate goal is a college degree, you will take as many college courses as possible while in the service, so that college can be completed as quickly as possible after your service term. 
  • Obtain or begin career training while in the service if college is not the goal. 

Pre Basic Training:
  • Respect for you as an adult and increased freedom in the following ways (list freedoms) 
  • To be helpful and supportive. 
  • Provide for you as we have in the past. 
  • Health insurance on my policy. 
  • Allowance in the amount of $ ______________ in lieu of employment to be paid weekly. 
Post Basic Training
  • Respect for you as an adult and further increased freedom in the following ways (list freedoms) 
  • To be helpful and supportive. 
  • Provide room & board when home on leave. 
  • Provide a mode of transportation when home on leave. 
  • To provide emergency financial support as needed within my abilities. Military pay and benefits are sufficient to cover normal living expenses. 
  • Transitional housing upon completion of service contract and movement towards financial independence. 

________________________ ___________
Parent Signature                          Date

________________________ ____________
Service Member Signature            Date

Parent-Adult Child Contract:
This contract template is between a parent and an adult child living at home. This contract can be modified to fit the intent of the situation in any way. Contracts can be annulled by either party, but must be renegotiated by both parties.

This contract is between __________________, and ____________________,
                                          (Adult Child)                                 (Parent)

Pre-Training (insert due dates)
Conduct research and present a plan to me for vocational training by: _______________
Register for vocational training by: _____________________
Begin training program by : _____________________
Complete training by: _____________________

During Training

  • Work hard and accept responsibility for your own learning.
  • Do all of your work to the best of your ability.
  • Make good use of private study time.
  • Ask for help when you need it.
  • Attend all classes.
  • Keep me informed about important training matters.
  • Abide by normal house rules.
  • Manage your money wisely and do not assume credit without consulting me.
  • Do all standard chores as completed in the past.
  • Employment; you will need to get a part- time job with the requirement of ______ hours a week.
  • Monetary options (to be negotiated) Note: As financial situations change, this contract will need to be updated.
  • Rent payment of: ___________ monthly.
  • Additional chores in lieu of rent due to unemployment. (List chores and frequency)
  • Pay for ______% of tuition, books and fees.
  • Pay for _______% of transportation to and from _________ University.
  • Savings of _______% from work to prepare to move out.


  • To be helpful and supportive with no nagging.
  • Respect for you as an adult and increased freedom in the following ways (list freedoms)
  • Provide for you as we have in the past. Valued at $________________ a year.
  • Health insurance on my policy. Valued at $________________ a year.
  • Allowance in the amount of $ ______________ in lieu of employment to be paid weekly

________________________ ___________
Parent Signature                            Date

________________________ ____________
Adult Child Signature                   Date


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